The UkrSA Comission "Children and caves" web-page

Winners of the contest  2022

The International Contest for children "Caves in the Eyes of our Children", organized by the Editors board of the UkrSA “The Light” magazine and UkrSA Commission "Children and Caves" is finished. The competition was attended by 27 participants aged from 5 to 16 years. Together they sent 35 drawings. For 9 years of the contest 1337 child took participation in the contest, which sent 1445 drawings. 


The contest winners in their age groups became:

0-6 years

1st place

Печерні пригоди

2 place


3 place

Печерні мешканці

7-9 years

1st place

Діти в печері

2 place

Подорож печерним озером

3 place

Пригоди спелеологів

10-12 years

1st place

Досліджувачі печер

2 place

Незвідана печера

3 place

Підводна печерна подорож

13-16 years

1st place

Печера часу

2 place

Загадкова печера


Winners will be awarded Diplomas and prizes!

Organizing Committee congratulates the winners and participants.

Organizing Committee